Make sure you are the admin for your Overjoy brand account. If you aren’t but still need admin access, please contact us.
Navigating to Account settings dashboard
Go to Settings > Billing and click on the “Change Plan” button.
Select a new plan
Select the right billing cycle (monthly, yearly) and select a different plan. Click on the Change Plan button.
Frequently asked questions
When will the new plan begin?
Your new plan will be automatically applied. This is to make sure you have access to more credits immediately when you upgrade your plan. If you wish to schedule a downgrade for your paid account, please contact us.
Can I move from monthly to yearly, or vice versa?
There are no restrictions for moving from monthly to yearly — feel free to select an annual plan on this page.
If you already are on a yearly plan, we cannot move you to a monthly plan as the payment as already been processed. We do make exceptions if your free trial just ended and you did not have enough time to try out the platform. Please reach out to us if you need support in these situations.